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Elementary Handbook

First page of the PDF file: ElementaryHandbook-CrownPointCommunitySchoolCorporation_1

This Student Handbook was developed to answer many of the commonly asked questions that you may have during the school year and to provide specific information about certain Board policies and guidelines. Please take the time to become familiar with the following important information contained in the Handbook and keep the Handbook available for frequent reference by you. If you have any questions that are not addressed in this Handbook, you are encouraged to talk to the principal, the Chief Human Resource Officer, and or refer to Board Policy on the Crown Point Community School Corporation website at This Handbook replaces all prior handbooks and other written material on the same subjects. If any policies or administrative guidelines referenced herein are revised, the language in the most current policy or administrative guideline prevails.

LEGAL NOTICE The rules you are about to read in this student handbook are in addition to our broad, discretionary authority to maintain safety, order, and discipline inside the school zone. These rules support but do not limit our authority. It should be also noted that our Supervisor of School Safety and any resource officer (police in our schools) have the same rights and duties inside a school zone and are not different from the officer who patrols our neighborhoods. Please know that these rules are primarily for protection, not punishment.

Wherever a conflict exists, School Board Policy or state or federal statute supersedes this handbook. The School Board authorizes the individual schools to establish rules, regulations, and procedures as deemed appropriate above and beyond those stated herein.

School Information

Academic Support

Policies and Procedures

Student Discipline

School Safety and Health