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Ed Flex Waiver

The Ed-Flex Waiver is a program through the U.S. Department of Education Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that grants states the authority to waive certain education requirements that may prevent local schools from improving education. 

Waivers can improve learning for all students by: 

  • advancing corporation/school goals and programs
  • providing classroom support, small group instruction, and tutoring
  • creating safe and healthy learning environments
  • developing and hiring qualified staff

Crown Point Community School Corporation will apply for three waivers. Parents and community members are invited to submit comments in the form at this link before November 13th. You can review comments received by emailing

Waiver 1: Increased Title I carryover allowability from 15 to 25%

ESEA Federal Requirement - Prohibits Title I carryover to the next fiscal year of no more than 15% Indiana ED-Flex Waiver - Increases the Title I carryover to no more than 25% to the next fiscal year Why it matters:
Section 1127(a) of the ESEA prohibits a school corporation from carrying over to the next fiscal year more than 15 percent of its Title I, Part A (Title I) allocation.  The waiver allows the school corporation to carry over to the next fiscal year up to 25 percent of its Title I allocation.  The waiver provides additional time to plan for and use the funds over two years and account for funds left unspent due to extenuating circumstances, such as school Title I staff resignations. We maximize the dollars available to us by having more time to spend them to benefit students

Waiver 2: Increased flexibility in paraprofessional requirements

ESEA Federal Requirement - Title I Paraprofessionals Indiana Ed-Flex Waiver - Paraprofessional Requirements Why it matters

(1)  All Title I paraprofessionals must have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.  

(2)  Additionally, except as noted below, paraprofessionals hired after January 8, 2002, and working in a program supported with Title I, Part A funds must have— 

  • Completed two years of study at an institution of higher education; or  
  • Obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree; or 
  • Met a rigorous standard of quality and be able to demonstrate, through a formal State or local academic assessment, knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing, reading, writing, and mathematics (or, as appropriate, reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness).  

The Ed-Flex waiver allows Crown Point Schools to choose one of the following options to serve as their paraprofessional requirement. 

  • Two years of college experience
  • A two-year college degree
  • Passed the ParaPro Assessment (within the first year of employment)
  • One year or 1,000 hours of previous employment experience in a school or working with children
  • Passed annual school-level evaluations
  • Completed 48 credit hours of college level classes
  • Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentials
  • Completed LEA required professional development modules/training
  • Completed Other Requirements - LEAs may request approval from IDOE These requirements apply to Title-I funded paraprofessionals in Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS), or all instructional paraprofessionals regardless of how they are funded in Schoolwide Programs (SWPs).
By expanding options for paraprofessional requirements, CPCSC has more flexibility to hire individuals to fill these positions. We can provide more support to students by expanding the applicant pool.



Waiver 4: Increased flexibility in Title IV spending requirements if receiving over $30,000

ESEA Federal Requirement - Title IV spending requirements Indiana ED-Flex Waiver - Removes the Title IV spending requirements Why it matters

A school corporation that receives at least $30,000 in Title IV funds must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment that includes, at a minimum, a focus on the three content areas. Based on the results of that assessment, the corporation must use: 

  • At least 20 percent of funds for activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities (ESEA section 4107);
  • At least 20 percent of funds for activities to support safe and healthy students (ESEA section 4108); and 
  • A portion of funds for activities to support effective use of technology (ESEA section 4109).
The Ed-Flex waiver allows the Crown Point Schools to allocate Title IV funds without adhering to the 20% spending requirements for well-rounded education and safe and healthy schools. Title IV funds can be allocated to best achieve corporation and school goals and implement action plans for well-rounded education and safe and healthy schools without the limitations of the funding source.