Welcome! Crown Point Schools is proud to be part of the Crown Point, Winfield, and Cedar Lake Communities.
62+ Pass
Residents age 62 and older of Center and Winfield Townships will be admitted without charge to home student extracurricular and school corporation sponsored activities. This does not include post-season athletic contests. Residents of these townships who are eligible for social security disability or social security supplemental income may also receive a pass.
A 62+ Pass from the district is required for entry and are available at 1050 South Main Street, Crown Point.

Ambassador Program
The CPCSC Ambassador Program is a seven-session behind-the-scenes look at our district. It is open to residents in the CPCSC boundaries who would like to learn more about our schools and what we do. Please visit the link to learn more.
⚾ Athletics
Here are links to the Bulldog Athletics schedules and where to buy tickets. All tickets will be sold in advance, or using credit/debit/or Apple pay at the gate.
CPCSC Financial Update
Crown Point Community School Corporation is proud of our longstanding commitment to fiscal responsibility. We wisely use our community's tax dollars to invest in our students, our staff and our facilities.
Information is from the 2022-2023 CPCSC budget and/or the 2023 IEERB Teacher Compensation Report.