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Capital Improvement Projects

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In November 2020, the Board of School Trustees unanimously voted to proceed with a capital improvement project that benefits all CPCSC students. By the time all capital improvements are finished, the project will touch every CPCSC building and provide an upgraded learning environment for all of our students.

Crown Point residents will not see an increase in tax rates because of this project. It is NOT financed by a referendum. The corporation’s existing debt begins to “fall off” over the next three years, allowing the project to be financed via new bonds. There is also additional financial room to pay for other expenses that may come up in future years that are not already financed through the existing operating referendum. 

Project Rationale


Capital Improvements projects with a detailed map of the new Taft building

Planning for this project has been underway for a number of years. Administration and the Board knew they needed to address some important issues that we face at CPCSC:

  • Student population growth in the next decade. This is anticipated to be slow growth.
  • Overcrowding in classrooms and hallways, especially in secondary schools
  • Aging infrastructure and accessibility issues at Taft
  • Expanding classroom space and upgrading technology that meets the highest standards of programming and curriculum needs
  • Improving common areas like cafeterias, performance spaces, athletic facilities, and playgrounds to be effective and equitable across the district

Building by Building Plans

The timelines and details of the projects may change over the course of construction. We will update information as it becomes available.

Month by Month Progress Updates

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